Lavington Angling Club
Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Who to contact about concerns on exercising any of your data rights
We are the data controller of the personal data collected and held about you.
Our address is 2a Waterworks Road, Trowbridge, BA14 0AL
Our telephone number is 01225 667274
Our email address is

Why do we collect your data?
We process personal data for the following purposes: –
a. To provide our services to you
b. Administering our membership records;
c. Maintaining our staff and volunteer records;
d. Publicising club events and ensuring members are informed about club issues. 

Whose data do we process?
We process the data of our own management and our members, individuals who make enquiries with us. Generally, we collect personal data from our members. 

We also process the personal data of individuals who are not our members, but who have participated in one of our events or subscribed to receive information from us. 

The most applicable criteria of the GDPR which are met in processing this data are that is it done: 

  • In pursuit of performing a contract between us; 
  • In pursuit of legitimate interests, taking into account the individual’s civil rights and freedoms; 
  • With the data subject’s consent.  

How we hold your data
We hold information in electronic form and occasionally in hard copy. In the case of data held electronically this is subject to good standards of IT security on whatever device it is held. Our hard copy information is stored subject to physical and procedural security measures.  

How long do we keep your data?
We collect data for a specified purpose, and we will retain it for as long as we need it in order to pursue that purpose. We retain information in observation of statutory limitation periods. We also retain information for archiving, historic and statistical purposes in accordance with our retention and destruction policy, which is available on request.  

If the data we have collected for one purpose is intended to be used for another we will contact you and seek your consent to do this.  

Who do we share data with?
We will never sell your personal data to third party organisations, nor share it with them for their benefit. We will only share your personal data with Clubmate who carry out data processor duties on our behalf or anyone in pursuit of the original purpose for which it was obtained. We use third parties to support the provision of our services to members which includes IT support, website hosting and database services. We have contractual and security measures in place to protect the personal data we share and maintain its confidentiality. 

Your rights in respect of the data we hold about you
You have several rights you may exercise in respect of your data. You have: 

  • The right to know what we do with your data. We hope this statement satisfies this, but if there is anything that is not clear, please get in touch and we will seek to address any concerns you have. 
  • The right to a copy of the data we hold about you, subject to some limitations, free of charge in the first instance. 
  • The right to have incomplete data about you completed and the right to correct any errors in your data. 
  • The right, in some circumstances, which applies to erasure of the data we hold about you. This is sometimes known as the “right to be forgotten”, which applies especially where there is no longer a necessity to keep your information. 
  • The right, in some circumstances to restrict the processing of your personal data. The definition of “processing” is very wide. 
  • The right to have your personal data supplied to another data controller, particularly where the data is held electronically. 
  • The right to object to the processing of your data in certain circumstances. 
  • The right to object to any automated decisions made about you (please note that Angling Trust does not currently – or foreseeably – process decisions about you automatically).  

Children’s personal data
Decisions regarding the personal data of anyone under 13 years of age must be taken by the child’s parent, guardian or anyone appointed in law to fulfil that role. If you are over 13, but under 18 and are unclear about anything we have said in this statement, please get in touch with us (as shown at the start of this document) and we can try and make things clearer. 

Do we send data outside the EU?
Lavington Angling Club or anyone processing data on our behalf does not routinely send personal data outside the EU. If we did, for some reason, feel it necessary to do so we would satisfy ourselves thoroughly about the information security aspects of what is proposed and would seek your consent before doing so. 

Further concerns?
If you have concerns about any aspect of our data protection practices please raise it with us in the first instance. In the unlikely event you remain dissatisfied, the UK regulator of data protection is the Information Commissioner who can be contacted at Wycliff House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF (or see:

Updated 21st June 2024